Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

opposite russian

  • про́тив

    against, opposite, facing, contrary to, to, as against

  • наоборо́т

    on the contrary, inside out, back to front, the wrong way, vice-versa

    the other way around, the opposite

  • напро́тив

    opposite, in front of, on the contrary

  • обра́тный

    reverse, return, inverse, back, backwards, opposite


  • противополо́жный

    opposite, contrary, opposed

  • разверну́ть

    To open something folded up, unfold.

    To open, remove a wrapping, unwrap.

    To position, deploy in width along the front line.

    To manifest fully, to allow to develop.

    To explain is details and extensively.

    To organize, establish, undertake on a large scale.

    To turn and direct in the opposite direction from the original one.

    To achieve a change of a certain trend to the opposite one.

  • проти́вный

    disgusting or nasty

    contrary or opposite

  • противополо́жность



  • визави́

    opposite, facing, vis-a-vis, the person facing

  • ан

    сonnects two sentences the second of which expresses an inconsistency the opposite of what is expected on the basis of the first sentence

    It is used at the beginning of a sentence (in a dialogue) to strengthen the opposition to what is assumed

  • противолежа́щий

