were russian
to bring (closer by guiding and/or directing)
to place (under)
to support (with)
to group together
to suggest
to let down (disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do)
to pencil, outline
there (once) were, there (once) lived, once upon a time there were, once upon a time
- Если бы мир не был таки́м, каков он сейчас, я мог бы доверя́ть лю́дям.If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone.
- Ещё чего не хвата́ло!As if it weren't enough already!
- Мы когда-то бы́ли молоды́ми, ведь так, Линда?We were young once, weren't we, Linda?
- В са́ду совсем не бы́ло роз.There weren't any roses in the garden.
- Ты ведь собира́лся сейчас же её бро́сить, не так ли?You were about to dump her flat out, weren't you?
- Они не могли́ раскры́ть никаки́х секре́тов.They weren't able to discover any secrets.
- «Разве ты там не был?» — спроси́л ми́стер Джордан.Weren't you there? asked Mr Jordan.
- Вчера́ в па́рке не бы́ло никаки́х дете́й.There weren't any children in the park yesterday.
- Я слы́шал, что о́боротней можно уби́ть, стреляя сере́бряными пу́лями.I've heard that you can kill werewolves by shooting them with silver bullets.
- Разве они не бы́ли дово́льны?Weren’t they satisfied?
- Ты не уста́л?Weren't you tired?
- Они не слу́шали му́зыку.They weren't listening to music.
- Вы превы́сили ограниче́ние ско́рости, не так ли?You were exceeding the speed limit, weren't you?
- Вы не устали?Weren't you tired?
- «Ты испа́чкаешь свою́ оде́жду». — «Не беспоко́йся. Она была́ не очень чиста́ с самого начала».You'll get your clothes dirty. "No worries. They weren't very clean in the first place."
- В ту са́мую ночь, когда зацветает па́поротник, — я просто переска́зываю то, что уже сложено́ в ска́зках зде́шними людьми́, — собрались на схо́дку руса́лки, ле́ший, вурдала́ки, водяной, домовой, при́зраки и чароде́и ра́зных масте́й.At that very night when the fern blooms — I’m just retelling what has been composed in the fairy tales by local people — the mermaids, wood and house goblins, werewolves, nix, and different kinds of ghosts and sorcerer gathered together.
- К сожале́нию, мы не могли́ помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, мы не смогли́ помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, мы не суме́ли помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, мы бы́ли не в состоя́нии помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, мы не име́ли возмо́жности помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, у нас не получи́лось помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, нам не удалось помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, мы оказа́лись неспосо́бны помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, мы бы́ли неспосо́бны помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, мы оказа́лись не в состоя́нии помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- К сожале́нию, у нас не бы́ло возмо́жности помочь вам.We're sorry we weren't able to help you.
- Почему тебя вчера́ не бы́ло в шко́ле?Why weren't you at school yesterday?
- Он предложи́л сходи́ть в теа́тр со мной, но в тот день не бы́ло никаки́х спекта́клей.He offered me to go to the theater,but there weren't any perfomances on that night.
- Ты не уста́ла?Weren't you tired?
- Ты был вчера́ дома, не так ли?You were at home yesterday, weren't you?
- Из-за дождя́ мы не смогли́ поигра́ть в те́ннис на у́лице.Because of the rain, we weren't able to play tennis outside.
- Вы там бы́ли, да?You were there, weren't you?
- Ты ведь был ревни́вым?You were jealous, weren't you?
- Они не боя́лись.They weren't afraid.
- Нам не бы́ло холодно.We weren't cold.
- Ты испуга́лся, да?You were scared, weren't you?
- Тебе бы́ло страшно, да?You were scared, weren't you?
- Очень хоро́ший сове́т. Я бы учёл его, если бы он не был твои́м.Very good advice. I would consider it if it weren't yours.
- Ты спал, да?You were sleeping, weren't you?
- Вы спали, да?You were sleeping, weren't you?
- Ты врал, да?You were lying, weren't you?
- Ты лгал, да?You were lying, weren't you?
- Вы лга́ли, да?You were lying, weren't you?
- Ты ревнова́л, да?You were jealous, weren't you?
- Ты ревнова́ла, да?You were jealous, weren't you?
- Вы ревнова́ли, да?You were jealous, weren't you?
- Вы бы́ли ра́нены, пра́вда?You were hurt, weren't you?
- Ты был ра́нен, да?You were hurt, weren't you?
- Ты была́ ра́нена, да?You were hurt, weren't you?
- Ты был го́лоден, да?You were hungry, weren't you?
- Ты хоте́л есть, да?You were hungry, weren't you?
- Вы бы́ли голодны, да?You were hungry, weren't you?
- Вы хоте́ли есть, да?You were hungry, weren't you?
- Мы не испуга́лись.We weren't scared.
- Мы не напуга́лись.We weren't scared.
- Мы не бы́ли испу́ганы.We weren't scared.
- Мы не бы́ли напуганы.We weren't scared.
- Нас не пригласи́ли.We weren't invited.
- Мы не бы́ли приглашены.We weren't invited.
- Нас не приглаша́ли.We weren't invited.
- Мы не пря́тались.We weren't hiding.
- Мы не скрыва́лись.We weren't hiding.
- Они не слу́шали.They weren't listening.
- Мы не бы́ли голодны.We weren't hungry.
- Мы не хоте́ли есть.We weren't hungry.
- Они не бы́ли голодны.They weren't hungry.
- Они не хоте́ли есть.They weren't hungry.
- Вы́глядело так, будто тебе не бы́ло интересно.It seemed like you weren't interested.
- Вы́глядело так, будто вам не бы́ло интересно.It seemed like you weren't interested.
- Вы́глядело так, словно тебе не бы́ло интересно.It seemed like you weren't interested.
- Ты опозда́л, не так ли?You were late, weren't you?
- Ты был один в то вре́мя, не так ли?You were alone at that time, weren't you?
- Вы бы́ли одни в то вре́мя, не так ли?You were alone at that time, weren't you?
- Вы бы́ли пьяны, так?You were drunk, weren't you?
- Ты был пьян, да?You were drunk, weren't you?
- Ты там был, да?You were there, weren't you?
- Ты там была́, да?You were there, weren't you?
- Вы бы́ли очень за́няты, да?You were very busy, weren't you?
- Вы испуга́лись, да?You were scared, weren't you?
- Опозда́л, да?You were late, weren't you?
- Одна из гла́вных персона́жей вебкомикса El Goonish Shive и, быть мо́жет, са́мая из них очарова́тельная — белка-перевёртыш (и не только).One of the main characters of the webcomic El Goonish Shive, and arguably the most adorable of them, is a weresquirrel (among other things).
- Ты ведь говори́л пра́вду, да?You were telling the truth, weren't you?
- Вы ведь пра́вду говори́ли, да?You were telling the truth, weren't you?
- Вы с То́мом бы́ли сча́стливы вместе, не так ли?You and Tom were happy together, weren't you?
- Ты был зол, не так ли?You were angry, weren't you?
- Ты ведь был за́нят, да?You were busy, weren't you?
- Вы бы́ли так за́няты тогда, не так ли?You were so busy then, weren't you?
- Ведь ты не шути́л, так?You weren't kidding, were you?
- Ты ведь была́ влюблена́ в Тома, я прав?You were in love with Tom, weren't you?
- О́боротни лу́чше, чем вампи́ры.Werewolves are better than vampires.
- Ты смотре́л, да?You were looking, weren't you?
- Вы смотре́ли, да?You were looking, weren't you?
- Мы волнова́лись, потому что не получа́ли никаки́х новосте́й.We were worried because we weren't getting any news.
- О́боротни лу́чше вампи́ров.Werewolves are better than vampires.
- Мэри ду́мала, что Том не пришёл на пра́зднование Хэллоуина, но на самом де́ле он тайно наблюда́л за ней из-под ма́ски о́боротня.Mary thought that Tom wasn't at the Halloween party, but in fact he was secretly observing her from behind his werewolf mask.
- Он о́боротень.He's a werewolf.
- О нас ходи́ли слу́хи, но они бы́ли непра́вдой.There were rumors about us, but they weren't true.
- Ты была́ очень занята́, да?You were very busy, weren't you?
- Ты был очень за́нят, да?You were very busy, weren't you?