Turn- russian
to turn out to be
to find oneself
queue, line
turn, order, succession, one by one
phase, stage (project), place
to appear, to come in sight
to show up, to turn up
to seem
number, size, room, issue, item on the programme, turn, trick
motion, run, speed, way, course, progress
entrance, entry, passage
move, turn, lead
to succeed, turn out well
to manage to do
turn out to be
find oneself
to turn out some way
to result, succeed
(impersonal) to prove, to turn out
(impersonal) to work out well, to manage
turn, turn around
succeed, tener éxito
be obtained, obtener
happen, suceder, turn out, resultar
to turn out, to work out well
appeal to, address, turn to
convert, apply, treat
to close, to shut, to shut off, to turn off, to shut down, to close down
to cover, to hide
to result in to lead to to turn around
turn to, direct to
let, allow
set in motion, put in action, set working
shoot, loose
turn on
let go
get across, get over, cross, get, pass on, pass, turn, move on
convert, click, switch, proceed (to)
turn, swing, change
be found, turn up, find the right word to say, find the right thing to do, be, walk for a long time, tire oneself by walking
turn into, become
direct, turn, aim, level, send, refer, sharpen
turn toward
aim something
turn to, direct to
turn on
take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch
become, turn into
rent out, let out
take an exam, pass an exam
rat out, turn in to the authorities
give, distribute, donate
hand over, give up, surrender
a turn, twist
a change of direction
get across, get over, cross, get, pass on, pass, turn
convert, click, switch, proceed (to)
turn, wrap tightly, roll up, curtail, reduce, cut down, turn
to turn away
release let out or set free
put out, turn out
to produce, to manufacture
To open something folded up, unfold.
To open, remove a wrapping, unwrap.
To position, deploy in width along the front line.
To manifest fully, to allow to develop.
To explain is details and extensively.
To organize, establish, undertake on a large scale.
To turn and direct in the opposite direction from the original one.
To achieve a change of a certain trend to the opposite one.
turn into, become, change
redden, become red, flush, turn red in the face, blush, show red
fall from, fall out, slip out, come out, fall, occur, turn out, happen to be
fall on date
stand a chance
to turn around
to look back
turn into, transform, convert, transmute, reduce
rent out, let out, handover
take an exam, pass an exam
turn in to the authorities
give, distribute, donate
turn, swing, change, turn around
to turn yourself around, unfold, come unwrapped, show oneself, display oneself, spread, deploy, expand, be expanded, turn, slew
turn, revolution, rotation, turnover
turn off, to go out
to turn / turn around
to turn inside out
to overturn / turn over
to turn upside down
twist, twirl, roll up, turn, whirl, have on a string, go out, have an affair
turn off, switch off, cut off, exclude
turn, swing, change
take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch
take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch
do without без
treat с
to turn out some way
turn, revolve, spin, fidget, dodge, prevaricate, hover about
to turn pale
direct, turn, aim, level, send, refer, sharpen
to stand out with its white color
to turn white
redden, become red, flush, turn red in the face, blush, show red
to be fulfilled
to turn (e.g. a certain age)
to unscrew, twist, wrench, turn out
to turn inside out
to turn over page
roll up, displace, remove, turn, swing
turn over, capsize
revolve, rotate, turn
turn into, transform, convert, transmute, reduce
turn on
carry conversation
turn up show up appear declare
to turn yourself around
turn, spin
reject, turn down, repudiate, vote down
turn, toss and turn, move
to turn away
emerge, come to the surface, emerge, turn up
to show oneself, come in sight, appear
to show up, turn up, appear
turn white
put out, put forward, put in front, put up, exhibit, display, set out, show, flaunt, show off, represent, lay down, adduce, turn out, send out, chuck out
rush, turn, direct, fix
put out extinguish
turn off the light
pay off
to bring into circular motion (to spin something
spin turn rotate
turn to stone, petrify, harden, stand stock-still
turn yellow, show yellow
be included
turn on
to turn pale
begin to turn
reject, turn down, repudiate, vote down
come appear or turn up (usually unannounced)
to turn blue
move, shift, turn, run, have control, boss, be boss
tear, tear asunder, break, dig up, rummage through, turn upside-down
to turn inside out
wag, glide away, turn off sharply, side-track, prevaricate, be evasive
to be fulfilled
to turn (e.g. a certain age)
sharpen, grind, whet, turn
to produce / to make (using a lathe)
wear away, wear down, gnaw
wrap up, wind round, wrap round, turn
turn yellow, show yellow
to show up unexpectedly, turn up out of the blue
turn off, switch off, cut off, exclude
to screw tight, tighten
to tuck up, roll up
to wrap up
to turn
turned out to be, will turn out to be, has been, will be
announcing, turn up, appear
this is
revolve, rotate, turn
to turn pages for some time
begin to turn, begin to spin round, become flustered
turn to stone, petrify, harden, stand stock-still
- Пе́ред тем как вы́йти из дома, не забу́дьте вы́ключить газ.Don't forget to turn off the gas before leaving the house.
- Чья о́чередь?Whose turn is it?
- Как громко ни кричи́ "У-у!", в во́лка не преврати́шься.Regardless how loud you scream "Oo-oo!", you won't turn into a wolf.
- Мы жда́ли долго, но он не пришёл.We waited long, but he didn't turn up.
- За сле́дующим угло́м поверни́те налево.Turn left at the next corner.
- Лу́чше бы ты вы́ключил свет пе́ред тем, как ложи́ться спать.You had better turn off the light before you go to sleep.
- Пожалуйста, включи́ телеви́зор.Please turn on the TV.
- Включи́, пожалуйста, свет.Turn on the light, please.
- Пожалуйста, подожди́те вашу о́чередь.Wait for your turn, please.
- Сде́лай ра́дио чуть гро́мче.Turn the radio up a little.
- В слу́чае землетрясе́ния вы́ключите газ.In case of an earthquake, turn off the gas.
- Я не могу́ поверну́ть ше́ю, потому что очень больно.I can't turn my neck, because it hurts a lot.
- Если повернёте направо, уви́дите большо́е зда́ние.If you turn right, you will see a big building.
- С твое́й стороны глупо отверга́ть его предложе́ние.It's not wise of you to turn down his offer.
- Вы́ключи телеви́зор.Turn off the TV.
- Не забу́дь вы́ключить газ, пе́ред тем как вы́йти из до́му.Don't forget to turn off the gas before leaving the house.
- Включи́ ра́дио.Turn on the radio.
- Я забы́л вы́ключить газ!I forgot to turn off the gas!
- На рубеже́ веко́в дети всё ещё продолжа́ли рабо́тать на фа́бриках.At the turn of the century, children still worked in factories.
- Жарко. Мне включи́ть кондиционе́р?It's very warm. Shall I turn on the air conditioner?
- Я бы хоте́л, чтобы они вы́ключили ра́дио.I wish they would turn off the radio.
- Мы объе́хали го́род на наше́й маши́не.We took a turn around the city in our car.
- Он сде́лал ре́зкий поворо́т направо.He made a sharp turn to the right.
- Вы до́лжны сдать отчёты в понеде́льник.You have to turn in the reports on Monday.
- Вся́кому терпе́нию прихо́дит коне́ц.Even a worm will turn.
- Пожалуйста, включи́те телеви́зор.Please turn on the TV.
- Он не поя́вится э́тим вечером.He won't turn up tonight.
- Сначала я погашу́ ого́нь, и убегу в безопа́сное ме́сто.I'll turn off the fire first, and run to a safe place.
- Тому, кто помога́ет други́м, в отве́т помо́гут они.He who helps others, in turn shall be helped by them.
- Пожалуйста, напо́мни мне сдать бума́гу за́втра.Please remind me to turn in the paper tomorrow.
- Вы включи́те телеви́зор?Will you turn on the television?
- Через два кварта́ла налево.Go two blocks and turn left.
- Вы́ключи газ.Turn off the gas.
- Пожалуйста, сде́лай потише ра́дио.Please turn down the radio.
- Ли́стья дере́вьев на́чали красне́ть.The leaves of the trees began to turn red.
- Пожалуйста, включи́ ра́дио.Turn on the radio, please.
- Надо нача́ть с чи́стого листа́ и упорно рабо́тать.You must turn over a new leaf and work as hard as possible.
- Поверни́те направо на перекрёстке.Turn right at the crossroad.
- Поверни́те направо.Turn right.
- Если я правильно помню, я ду́маю, мы до́лжны поверну́ть налево на сле́дующем поворо́те.If I remember correctly, I think we have to turn left at the next corner.
- Можно мне вы́ключить телеви́зор?Can I turn off the TV?
- Вы не могли́ бы вы́ключить ра́дио?Could you turn off the radio?
- Не волну́йтесь, могу́ вас заве́рить, всё будет хорошо.Take it easy. I can assure you that everything will turn out fine.
- Вы́ключи ра́дио.Turn off the radio.
- Чья о́чередь дальше?Whose turn is it next?
- Уба́вьте гро́мкость, пожалуйста.Turn down the volume, please.
- Ты никогда не выключа́ешь му́зыку и свет пе́ред сном.You never turn off the music and the lights before going to bed.
- Как он вдруг побледне́л...Boy, did he suddenly turn pale...
- Почему вы отклони́ли его про́сьбу?Why did you turn down his offer?
- Я никогда не поверну́сь к дру́гу спино́й, если ему нужна́ по́мощь.I never turn my back on a friend in need.
- На пе́рвом углу́ сверни́те налево.Please turn left at the first corner.
- Ей не к ко́му обрати́ться.She has no one to turn to.
- Она так и не появи́лась.She did not turn up.
- Вы́ключи свет. Я не могу́ засну́ть.Turn the light off. I can't fall asleep.
- Сде́лай му́зыку гро́мче!Turn up the music!
- Я наде́юсь, ты никогда не ста́нешь коммуни́стом.I hope you'll never turn Communist.
- Не забу́дь пе́ред ухо́дом вы́ключить газ.Don't forget to turn off the gas before going out.
- Матема́тики — как францу́зы: что им ни ска́жешь — перево́дят на свой со́бственный язы́к и превраща́ют в нечто совершенно другое по смы́слу.Mathematicians are like French people: whatever you tell them they translate it into their own language and turn it into something totally different.
- Пришла́ о́чередь Кена.Ken's turn came.
- Твоя́ о́чередь.It's your turn.
- Э́тот заво́д мо́жет выпуска́ть 200 автомоби́лей в день.This factory can turn out 200 cars a day.
- Вы не могли́ бы сде́лать потише?Could you turn it down?
- Не зна́ю, надо поверну́ть налево или направо.I don't know whether to turn left or right.
- Мне не к ко́му обрати́ться за сове́том.I have no one to turn to for advice.
- Можно включи́ть телеви́зор?Can I turn on the TV?
- Стол стоит криво и, вероятно, скоро перевернётся.The table is askew, it's likely going to turn over soon.
- Вы́ключите, пожалуйста, свет.Turn off the light, please.
- Автомоби́ль поверну́л направо вон там.The car made a right turn over there.
- Он реши́л переда́ть свой би́знес сы́ну.He has decided to turn over his business to his son.
- Я не ожида́ла тако́го поворо́та собы́тий.I didn't foresee this turn of events.
- Сде́лай ра́дио погромче. Мне его не слы́шно.Turn up the radio. I can't hear it.
- Теперь моя́ о́чередь.It's my turn now.
- Выходя из ко́мнаты, пожалуйста, убеди́тесь, что вы вы́ключили свет.When you leave the room, please make sure you turn off the lights.
- Поверни́ налево на пе́рвом светофо́ре.Turn left at the first light.
- Сейчас моя́ о́чередь говори́ть.Now it is my turn to speak.
- Лягу́шки превраща́ются в при́нцев только в ска́зках.Frogs turn into princes only in fairy tales.
- Поверни́сь.Turn around.
- Оберни́сь.Turn around.
- Вы́ключите ра́дио.Turn off the radio.
- Пожалуйста, переверни́те страни́цу.Please turn over the page.
- Не выключа́й свет.Don't turn the light off.
- Поверни́сь на спи́ну.Turn on your back.
- Бою́сь, она отка́жет мне в про́сьбе.I'm afraid she will turn down my request.
- Пожалуйста, вы́ключи ра́дио.Please turn off the radio.
- Пожалуйста, вы́ключите ра́дио.Please turn off the radio.
- Мы не туда сверну́ли.We took a wrong turn.
- Поздно уже возвраща́ться.It's too late to turn back now.
- Иди́те по э́той у́лице и на тре́тьем перекрёстке поверни́те налево.Walk along the street and turn left at the third intersection.
- Включи́ рисоварку, пожалуйста.Turn on the rice cooker, please.
- Уба́вь гро́мкость, пожалуйста.Turn down the volume, please.
- Том забы́л вы́ключить свет.Tom forgot to turn off the light.
- Вы́ключите ра́дио, пожалуйста.Turn off the radio, please.
- Осенью ли́стья желте́ют.In autumn the leaves turn yellow.
- Мэри попроси́ла Тома вы́ключить компью́тер и пригото́вить ужин.Mary asked Tom to turn off the computer and prepare dinner.
- Вы́ключи телеви́зор. Я не могу́ сосредото́читься.Turn off the television. I can't concentrate.
- Ты должен сдать своё старое разреше́ние, чтобы получи́ть новое.You must turn in your old license in order to get a new one.
- Сего́дня тебе испо́лнилось четыре года.Today you turn four years old.
- Не грусти больше, пожалуйста.Turn that frown upside down.
- Я лгал ему, а он, в свою́ о́чередь, лгал мне.I lied to him and he lied to me in turn.
- Я испо́льзовал отвёртку для того́, чтобы поверну́ть винт, но он просто не хоте́л повора́чиваться.I used a screwdriver to turn the screw, but it just didn't want to turn.