Which russian
which, that, what
which, what, what kind of
any, every, anyone, either
whichever one wants
then, after that, thereupon, upon which, subsequently, for that reason
which, that
obligation or commitment (more like a promise)
That which a person or other subject must necessarily do fulfill either by virtue of a promise made or by other circumstances
а inclined surface along which you go down
expenditure/cost/that which is spent
(figuratively) that which separates one thing from another
An institution representing someone's interests
That which makes a favorable impression
something which is being read
vulture (bird)
griffin (mythology), gryphon (mythology)
fingerboard, neck (the extension of any stringed instrument on which a fingerboard is mounted)
signature stamp
The class of secular landowners which constituted the dominant privileged exploitative class in feudal society and partly retained its hereditary privileges under capitalism
something which is being done (контроли́ровать)
(which is) controlled
Действие по глаг. смазать—смазывать
lubricant/a substance which is smeared
that which burdens
something which was being done (упрости́ть)
(be) simplified
That which is an addition to something that has no independent significance
something which is being done (передава́ть)
something which was being done (реализова́ть)
prevalence, extent to which has spread, extent to which has been disseminated
(which has been) activated
A riddle in which the words to be solved are given in the form of drawings in combination with letters and signs
something which was being done (модернизи́ровать)
because of, due to, which is why
Debido a (situación desfavorable)
from, from behind
сonnects two sentences the second of which expresses an inconsistency the opposite of what is expected on the basis of the first sentence
It is used at the beginning of a sentence (in a dialogue) to strengthen the opposition to what is assumed
something which was being done (счита́ть)
something which was being done (задержа́ть)
has been arrested
the mental process by which a person makes sense of an idea by assimilating it to the body of ideas he or she already possesses
hang like on a gymnastic apparatus (parallel bars or rings) in which the body is in a vertical hanging position with a grip of straight arms
A dish of rice or other cereals with honey or raisins which is eaten at funerals and wakes
A small bag in which incense a spell or some kind of amulet is placed and worn on the chest
which cannot be proved, indemonstrable
opportunist, conformist, timeserver
A person who changes his views and habits depending on the circumstances to which he adapts
something which was being done (растере́ть)
has been rubbed/ which has been rubbed
something which was being done (лимити́ровать)
something which was being done (обеща́ть)
something which was being done (испо́льзовать)/ reference
used, utilized, utilised
something which is being done (испуска́ть)
something which was being done (сопоста́вить)
something which was being done (соста́рить)
something which was being done (сконцентри́ровать)
be concentrated
something which was being done (классифици́ровать)
something which was being done (подвести́)
Have been summed
something which was being done (удосто́ить)
something which was being done (помести́ть)
something which is being done (получа́ть)
something which was being done (подгото́вить)
something which is being done (разраба́тывать)
something which is being done (выполня́ть)
something which was being done (утверди́ть)
something which was being done (пропили́ть)
cut through
something which was being done (внедри́ть)
something which was being done (очи́стить)
something which is being done (постули́ровать)
something which is being done (иссле́довать)
something which is being done (рассма́тривать)
something which was being done (вста́вить)
inserted, pasted
which was coming, which came
something which was being done (анонси́ровать)
something which was being done (поби́ть)
beaten down
something which was being done (перенести́)
something which was being done (пересе́чь)
something which was being done (сформирова́ть)
something which is being done (брить)
something which is being done (съеда́ть)
which is eaten
something which is being done (разжёвывать)
which is chewed
something which is being done (сжига́ть)
which is cremated
something which is being done (растира́ть)
Which is rubbed
something which was being done (завоева́ть)
has been conquered
something which was being done (пропита́ть)
(has been) impregnated
(has been) saturated, soaked
((which) has been) received, obtained
something which was being done (разгры́зть)
which has been gnawed
something which was being done (разбуди́ть)
has just been awakened
was awakened
something which was being done (вы́пустить)
someone who was doing (провали́ться)
(who, which...) failed
someone who was doing (сойти́)
(who,which....) alighted
something which was being done (уви́деть)
(who, which...) had seen
something which was being done (заплати́ть)
has been paid for
has been heated
which has been heated
which has been commanded
has been commanded
something which is being done (перебира́ть)
has been sorted out
to be sorted out
something which was being done (обрабо́тать)
has been processed
something which was being done (предложи́ть)
something which is being done (воспринима́ть)
something which is being done (разлага́ть)
has been decomposed
something which was being done (улу́чшить)
something which is being done (подде́рживать)
has been supported
something which was being done (ампути́ровать)
something which was being done (изгото́вить)
something which was being done (снабди́ть)
equipped, supplied
something which was being done (обма́зать)
be smeared
something which was being done (подключи́ть)
be connected
something which was being done (прикова́ть)
be chained
something which was being done (произвести́)
was carried out
something which was being done (напо́лнить)
something which was being done (закрепи́ть)
something which was being done (вживи́ть)
something which was being done (забра́ть)
taken away
- Всё то, что бы́ло изобретено, правильно.All that which is invented, is true.
- Он дал мне на вре́мя две кни́ги, ни одну из кото́рых я ещё не прочита́л.He lent me two books, neither of which I have read as yet.
- Есть вопро́сы, кото́рые нам необходимо обсуди́ть.They are matters which we need to discuss.
- Ка́ждый из нас как луна́: у всех есть тёмная сторона́, кото́рую мы нико́му не пока́зываем.Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.
- Гм. Мне кажется, что я заблужу́сь, по како́й бы доро́ге я ни пошёл.Hmm. I have a feeling I'm going to get lost whichever road I take.
- Всё, что лета́ет, рано или поздно упадёт.Everything which flies will sooner or later fall down.
- В англи́йском во мно́гих слова́х есть бу́квы, кото́рые не произно́сятся.In the English language many words contain letters which are not pronounced.
- Что и тре́бовалось доказа́ть.Which was to be proven.
- В како́й стороне́ пляж?Which way is the beach?
- Не могу́ реши́ть, како́е пла́тье мне купи́ть.I can't decide which dress I should buy.
- Э́то компью́тер, на кото́ром он пишет свои́ статьи́.That's the computer on which he writes his articles.
- Нагоя — э́то го́род, изве́стный свои́м замком.Nagoya is a city which is famous for its castle.
- Каки́е креди́тные ка́рты я могу́ испо́льзовать?Which credit cards can I use?
- Кото́рая кни́га твоя́?Which book is yours?
- За́писи, относящиеся к э́той эпо́хе, особенно редки, вероятно, из-за се́рии стихи́йных бе́дствий, обрушившихся на столи́цу.Records are particularly scarce for this era, perhaps owing to a long series of natural disasters which befell the capital.
- Он вообще не появи́лся, и от э́того ей бы́ло очень неуютно.He did not appear at all, which made her very uneasy.
- Если учётная за́пись уже есть, то существу́ет систе́ма, с по́мощью кото́рой вы смо́жете отправля́ть и получа́ть электро́нную почту.If there is already an account, there is a system by which you are able to send and receive email.
- Она попро́бовала откры́ть дверь, но э́то оказа́лось невозможно.She tried to open the door, which she found impossible.
- Полезно только то зна́ние, кото́рое у́чит нас, как иска́ть добро и избегать зла.The only useful knowledge is that which teaches us how to seek what is good and avoid what is evil.
- Мой друг вспо́мнил, куда идти́.My friend remembered which way to go.
- Глубину́ Вашего заблужде́ния невозможно вы́разить слова́ми.Words cannot express the extent to which you are wrong.
- Взвесив свя́занные с возмо́жной неуда́чей ри́ски, он потре́бовал реша́ющей схватки с оппоне́нтами.Calculating the risk which is involved in the event of failure, he demanded a show-down with the other party.
- Он не знал, како́й путь вы́брать.He was at a loss which way to take.
- Когда обе де́вушки сказа́ли Джону, что име́ют к нему чу́вства, он был расте́рян, не зная, с кем из них ему быть.When both girls told John they had feelings for him, he was in a quandary as to which girl he should be with.
- На его день рожде́ния я пое́хал на по́езде в го́род, в кото́ром он жил.On his birthday, I took a train to the town in which he lived.
- Како́й путь вы вы́берете?Which way will you take?
- Ты нашёл зо́нтик, кото́рый, как ты говори́л, ты потеря́л на днях?Have you found the umbrella which you said you had lost the other day?
- Э́то его молча́ние разозли́ло её.It was his silence which made her angry.
- Кото́рый вы бы хоте́ли?Which would you like?
- Ры́нок покупа́телей — э́то ры́нок, на кото́ром това́р в изоби́лии, у покупа́телей широ́кий вы́бор, и цены ни́зкие.A buyers' market is a market in which goods are plentiful, buyers have a wide range of choices, and prices are low.
- Кто сильне́е, тигр или лев?Which is stronger, a tiger or a lion?
- Они спо́рили о том, како́й язы́к проще: францу́зский или неме́цкий.They quarreled as to which was easier, French or German.
- Нам сложно вы́брать, кото́рый из них купи́ть.We find it difficult to decide which one to buy.
- В после́днее вре́мя мой геморро́й, кото́рый у меня давненько, доставля́ет мне много бо́ли.Recently my haemorrhoids, which I've had from before, are painful.
- У нас большая пе́чка, кото́рая де́ржит нас в тепле́.We have a big stove which keeps us very toasty.
- Кни́ги из того́ спи́ска будет трудно отыска́ть в Япо́нии.The books which are on that list will be difficult to find in Japan.
- Япо́ния — эконо́мика обслу́живания, в кото́рой более 50% ВНП составля́ет се́ктор обслу́живания.Japan is a service economy, in which services account for more than 50% of the GNP.
- Кто из ученико́в вы́шел?Which student went out?
- Она его игнори́ровала, что оказа́лось неразу́мным.She ignored him, which proved unwise.
- Мы не зна́ли, на како́й авто́бус сесть.We didn't know which bus to take.
- Я не могу́ сказа́ть, кака́я сторона́ бума́ги та, что ну́жная.I cannot tell which is the right side of this paper.
- Что легче: ката́ться на лы́жах или на конька́х?Which is easier, skiing or skating?
- Мы не мо́жем сказа́ть, како́й лу́чше.We cannot tell which is better.
- Челове́к проглотивший де́рево превраща́ется в де́рево проглотившее челове́ка.A man who swallowed a tree becomes a tree which swallowed a man.
- Э́то дере́вья, на ли́стьях кото́рых живу́т гу́сеницы ту́тового шелкопря́да.These are the trees on the leaves of which silkworms live.
- Что ты лю́бишь больше: ле́то или зи́му?Which do you like better, summer or winter?
- Како́е животное ма́ленькое?Which animal is small?
- Я не мог реши́ть, каку́ю доро́гу вы́брать.I could not decide which way to choose.
- С како́го пути́ отправля́ется по́езд Хагаси-Каговака?From which track does the train to Higashi-Kagowaka leave?
- Она всегда одева́ется старомо́дно.She always wears clothes which are out of fashion.
- Она всегда но́сит оде́жду, кото́рая вы́шла из мо́ды.She always wears clothes which are out of fashion.
- У мое́й мла́дшей сестры́ есть двое сынове́й, а э́то значит, что у меня есть два племя́нника.My younger sister has two sons, which means I have two nephews.
- Посмотри́ на ту го́ру, покрытую снегом.Look at that mountain which is covered with snow.
- Николас хо́чет сказа́ть, что латиниза́ция кири́ллицы столь же прекра́сна, сколь прекра́сно со́лнце, кото́рое обжига́ет глаза, когда на него смо́тришь.Nicolas means that romanization of the Cyrillic alphabet is as beautiful as the sun, which burns your eyes when you look at it.
- То́кио, кото́рый явля́ется са́мым большим го́родом Япо́нии, бо́дрствует 24 часа.Tokyo, which is the largest city in Japan, is awake 24 hours.
- Не давай обеща́ния, если не смо́жешь вы́полнить его.Don't make a promise which you cannot keep.
- Дорога не соотве́тствует коли́честву проходящих через нее маши́н.The road is inadequate for the amount of traffic which it carries.
- Како́й оте́ль лу́чший в го́роде?Which is the best hotel in the town?
- Она не покупа́ла оде́жду, кото́рая ей сильно нра́вилась.She did not buy the dress, which she liked very much.
- Сложно сказа́ть, кака́я маши́на лу́чше.It is hard to say which car is nicer.
- Она сказа́ла, ей двадцать лет, что бы́ло непра́вдой.She said she was twenty years old, which was not true.
- Э́то о́фис, в кото́ром он рабо́тает.This is the office in which he works.
- Каки́м по́ездом прие́дешь?Which train will you arrive on?
- Вопро́с, на кото́рый не доста́точно отве́тить просто "да" или "нет".A question to which yes or no will not quiet suffice.
- Како́й зверь ма́ленький?Which animal is small?
- Кото́рая соба́ка ваша?Which dog is yours?
- Э́то ко́мната, в кото́рую он пошёл.This is the room into which he went.
- В некотором ро́де э́то похоже на футбо́л, в кото́рый игра́ют в наши дни.It was similar in some ways to soccer which is played today.
- В пе́рвые годы произво́дства, Coca-Cola содержа́ла кокаи́н. В 1914 году кокаи́н был классифицирован как нарко́тик, после чего при произво́дстве Coca-Cola вместо него ста́ли испо́льзовать кофеи́н.In the first years that Coca-Cola was produced, it contained cocaine. In 1914, cocaine was classified as a narcotic, after which they used caffeine instead of cocaine in the production of Coca-Cola.
- Безу́мцу свойственно се́товать за утраченным и не ра́доваться тому, что оста́лось.The fool laments that which he has lost and values not that which he still has.
- Мо́жешь вы́брать всё, что захо́чешь.You may choose whichever you want.
- Съешь како́й угодно понравившийся тебе.Eat whichever one you like.
- Для тех, кто смо́трит на челове́ческие отноше́ния с философской то́чки зре́ния, нет ничего поразительнее, чем лёгкость, с кото́рой меньшинство́ управля́ет большинство́м, и благогове́йная поко́рность, с кото́рой лю́ди в по́льзу чувств и иде́й прави́телей отка́зываются от свои́х со́бственных.Nothing appears more surprising to those, who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye, than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few; and the implicit submission, with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers.
- Мо́жете вы́брать любо́й, како́й понра́вится.You may choose whichever you like.
- Тот из двух вариа́нтов, кото́рый лу́чше, будет ещё и са́мым лу́чшим из э́тих вариа́нтов.Whichever is better out of two options is also best out of those options.
- Давай определи́м, что правильно, а что нет.Let's make clear which is right and which is wrong.
- Бери́ тот, кото́рый тебе нра́вится.Take whichever one you like.
- Бери́ како́й хо́чешь.Take whichever one you like.
- Я не зна́ю, что есть что.I don't know which is which.
- Я не зна́ю, кто есть кто.I don't know which is which.
- Возможно, именно астроно́мия явля́ется той нау́кой, в кото́рой откры́тия менее всего зави́сят от случа́йности, в кото́рой наиболее ярко проявля́ется мощь челове́ческого ра́зума, и кото́рая наиболее наглядно пока́зывает челове́ку, насколько он мал.Astronomy is perhaps the science whose discoveries owe least to chance, in which human understanding appears in its whole magnitude, and through which man can best learn how small he is.
- Он добыва́л свою́ во́ду (великоле́пную!) из натура́льного коло́дца, очень глубо́кого, над кото́рым он сооруди́л весьма незамыслова́тый во́рот.He drew his water, which was excellent, from a very deep natural well, above which he had set up a very simple pulley block.
- В го́роде мало кто зна́ет, когда како́й свято́й день.Few townsmen know which sacred day is which.
- Ты мо́жешь вы́брать любу́ю кни́гу, кото́рая тебе нра́вится.You may choose whichever book you like.
- Каку́ю доро́гу ни вы́берете, по любо́й мо́жете добра́ться до остано́вки.Whichever way you may take, you can get to the station.
- Бери́ тот, что больше нра́вится.Take whichever you like best.
- Бери́ тот, кото́рый тебе больше нра́вится.Take whichever you like best.
- Бери́те како́й хоти́те.Take whichever you want.
- Бери́ како́е хо́чешь.Take whichever you want.
- Вы́берите любо́й, како́й вам нра́вится.Choose whichever you like.
- Вы́бери любу́ю, каку́ю хо́чешь.Choose whichever you want.
- Мо́жете вы́брать любу́ю кни́гу, кото́рая вам понра́вится.You may choose whichever book you like.
- Если есте́ственный язы́к можно сравни́ть с де́ревом, кото́рое разросло́сь с тече́нием вре́мени, то эсперанто можно сравни́ть с де́ревом из пластма́ссы, кото́рое бы́ло создано иску́сственным путём.If a natural language can be compared to a tree, which has developed during the course of time, Esperanto can be compared to a plastic tree, which was created artificially.
- Бери́ то, что тебе больше нра́вится, что бы э́то ни бы́ло.Take the one you like best, whichever it is.
- Исто́рии в кни́ге, кото́рую вы прочтете, рассма́тривают некоторые из многочи́сленных пробле́м, с кото́рыми ста́лкивается молодежь.The stories which you will read in this book deal with some of the many problems which face young people.
- Тому можно вы́брать любо́й цвет.Tom may choose whichever color he likes.
- Кто бы ни вы́играл, я буду сча́стлив.Whichever wins, I'll be happy.
- Мне всё равно, каку́ю ты вы́берешь.I don't care whichever you choose.
- Всё можно интерпрети́ровать по-разному. Кака́я интерпрета́ция преоблада́ет на да́нный моме́нт — определя́ется вла́стью, а не и́стиной.All things are subject to interpretation; whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
- Представи́тели и прямы́е нало́ги распределя́ются между ра́зными шта́тами, кото́рые мо́гут быть включены в сою́з, по их соответственному населе́нию; после́днее определя́ется, прилагая к всему́ числу́ свобо́дных люде́й, включая в него обя́занных на изве́стный срок службы и исключая инде́йцев, не подлежа́щих обложе́нию нало́гами, — три пя́тых всех остальны́х.Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.