Out russian
from (the inside of)
out of
at (location)
at (direction)
for (in support of)
for (mistake for)
for (reason)
for (duration)
following after, chasing after
over (a certain age)
beyond, on the far side of
out of (location)
to leave, to go out, to get out
to be published, to be issued
to marry (him)
to come out
to turn out to be
to find oneself
learn, find out
look, peer, show, face, look out, give, point, look like, see
to go out, to come out, to leave
to use up, to run out of
to get married
to be published, to be issued
to come out
outstanding in significance or merit
evidently, obviously, apparently, probably, one can see
it is visible, conspicuous
one is outstanding, eminent, prominent
result, outcome
to succeed, turn out well
to manage to do
conduct, carry out, implement
lead, escort, show
make, draw
run, lay
turn out to be
to find oneself in a situation
= быть (часто используется в отрицательном смысле)
to reach
to take, to take out, to fetch
to get, obtain, procure
to annoy, bother, pester
out, there, over there
exit, way out, leaving, withdrawal
solution (way out)
to hand
to hold out or extend
reach out
to be called, be named, assume the name
to identify oneself, to give out one's name
to look (like), appear, seem
to look, find, discover, spy out
succeed, tener éxito
be obtained, obtener
happen, suceder, turn out, resultar
to turn out, to work out well
to gather, assemble
to be going to, intend to, make up one's mind, to be about to
to prepare, to be ready to start, to set out
picnic, outing
think, come up with, devise, invent, to figure it out
come up (with), make
to drag out, to take out, to pull out
on the contrary, inside out, back to front, the wrong way, vice-versa
the other way around, the opposite
oh / ow, ah, outsch
reinforcing (what, such)
choose, select, pick out, elect, take out
elect or select
to give way for a free space (example a crowd broke out and everyone moved through)
expand or get thicker
to sound unexpectedly
wild, barbarous, savage, shy, unsociable, strange, queer, preposterous, outrageous
enter, join, matriculate, enroll
do, carry out, complete an action
stick around (stick out)
to climb, to get into
to crawl, to scramble
meddle, butt-in
to fall out (hair or fur), come out
to bother, to annoy
remove (take out)
figure out, deal with
break down, take apart
to perform to carry out
return, give back, give out, give
realize, realise
to reveal (to "give away")
to give up
to report
to issue, give out
expressed, reveal, give up
pretend (to be someone), impersonate
let out
to produce, to manufacture
sell, sell out
to go away, go back, move, move aside
to withdraw, fall back
to go away temporarily
to come around, to come back to normal
to go out of fashion
implement, accomplish, carry into effect, realize
fulfill, carry out, execute, perform
muffled, flat, toneless, dull, indistinct
unvoiced, voiceless
out-of-the-way, remote, god-forsaken
explosion, outburst, burst
take out, lead out, help out, make go out, turn out, withdraw, call off, remove, extirpate, destroy, exterminate, conclude, infer, depict, portray, grow, raise, hatch
remarkable, splendid, wonderful, outstanding
to make, cause, produce, carry out
choose, select, pick out, take out
to become clear
it turns out
to figure out [something], derives from prefix со and root образ
To point out
out of
(outdated) girl
trip, journey, excursion, outing, tour
bring down
get out, leave
pile, stack
lay, heap
rent out, let out
take an exam, pass an exam
rat out, turn in to the authorities
give, distribute, donate
hand over, give up, surrender
result (sum), total
to figure out
to carry out, take out, bring out, remove
to transfer
to get, acquire
to submit
to pass, render, pronounce (verdict or decision)
to endure, bear, sustain, stand
sell, sell out
to protrude
to set out (go)
to perform
to oppose publicly
to advocate for
To hand out or distribute (in an informal context)
To reveal/ show, expose, or give away (emotions, thoughts, secrets)
To issue, give out, or provide (documents, items, cards, etc.)
represent, impersonate, pose
miss (out)
let pass / let go past
act out/perform
get out from somewhere, escape
pick up, tuck up, sort out, select, glean
reach, reach out, stretch, stretch out, extend, stretch oneself, strive
drag on, crawl, wear on, hang heavy, move slowly, drift
try to equal, try to deep up, imitate, move one after the other, follow each other
release let out or set free
put out, turn out
to produce, to manufacture
(outdated) now
throw out, reject, discard, release
to emit, to eject
pull, draw, haul, drag, lay, drawl, drag out, delay, protract, procrastinate, make go, weigh, draw up, squeeze, extort
disassemble dismantle take to pieces investigate try to make out
rule out
out of, outside, off
suffer through
to point out/at [something], indicate
to peer intently
(colloquial) to understand/figure out/discover
to put out, stick out, expose
to put forward, bring forward, place in front
to propose, suggest
to flaunt, to show off
worry or be upset (imperfective only)
experience, go through
suffer, endure
survive, outlast, outlive
to bring (closer by guiding and/or directing)
to place (under)
to support (with)
to group together
to suggest
to let down (disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do or were expected to do)
to pencil, outline
To be knowledgeable in
To be well versed in
To figure out
cut off, snip off, snap out, cut short
cut off, snip off, snap out, cut short
end, finish, come to an end, run out off
stranger/ outsider
draw out, extract, pull out
stretch out
hold out
to figure out [something]
blaze up, take fire, break out, flash, flare up, blush, flush
begin to laugh burst out laughing
production, produce, output
allocate, pick out, choose, single out, allot, ear-mark, detach, find, provide, apportion, mark out, distinguish, secrete, excrete, discharge, exude, educe, isolate
to lay forth, create, establish
rat-out, betray
plant, put
come out, climb out, scramble out, crawl out, get out, alight, fall out
perspective / prospect, outlook, vista
hear out
fall from, fall out, slip out, come out, fall, occur, turn out, happen to be
fall on date
stand a chance
take out, remove
vomit, puke, throw up
leave, pull out, depart, put out, sail, withdraw, draw off, fall back, step aside, walk away, deviate, digress, diverge, come off, pass away, be dying, be going, recover, come to oneself, be all right again
take away, choose, select, pick out
implementation, fulfilment, carrying-out
- Как ты найдешь еду в ко́смосе?How do you find food in outer space?
- Но́вый боксёр одоле́л чемпио́на.The new boxer outboxed the champion.
- Он обессме́ртил себя несколькими превосхо́дными кни́гами по педаго́гике.He made himself immortal with a number of outstanding books about education.
- У неё гру́бая ко́жа от мно́гих лет, кото́рые она прорабо́тала на у́лице.Her skin is coarse from years of working outdoors.
- Где я могу́ найти́ вы́ход для своего́ гне́ва?Where can I find an outlet for all my anger?
- Он обессме́ртил себя несколькими выдаю́щимися кни́гами по педаго́гике.He made himself immortal with a number of outstanding books about education.
- Мне нра́вятся у́личные ви́ды спо́рта, таки́е как бейсбо́л, те́ннис и футбо́л.I like outdoor sports, such as baseball, tennis and soccer.
- Скот Холл — один из Аутса́йдеров.Scott Hall belongs to the Outsiders.
- Ма́лые плане́ты, витающие вокруг Юпи́тера, напо́мнили ему стра́жу, окружа́ющую короля́, когда он выходит в свет, и Кеплер назва́л их спу́тниками.The smaller planets hovering around the planet Jupiter reminded him of the guards surrounding a king when he walked outdoors, and Kepler called them satellites.
- На у́лице холодно. Наде́нь своё пальто́.It is cold outdoors. Put on your coat.
- Я проли́л варе́нье на розе́тку, и произошло́ коро́ткое замыка́ние.I spilled jam on the electric outlet and there was a short circuit.
- Убира́йся!Get outta here!
- Кандида́т был разочаро́ван результа́тами вы́боров.The candidate was disappointed at the outcome of the election.
- Производи́тельность э́того заво́да повысилась на 20%.The output of this factory has increased by 20%.
- Его отве́т меня возмути́л.I was outraged by his answer.
- Она редко выходит.She doesn't get outdoors much.
- Один квадра́тный метр со́лнечной батаре́и выраба́тывает примерно один ватт эне́ргии, поэтому в да́нный моме́нт непросто испо́льзовать со́лнечную эне́ргию в кру́пных масшта́бах.The output power of a one square meter solar panel is about one watt, so it is difficult to use solar power on a large scale at present.
- Вы мо́жете быть удивлены результа́том.You might be surprised at the outcome.
- Вы мо́жете быть удивлены исхо́дом.You might be surprised at the outcome.
- У э́той опера́ции благоприя́тный исхо́д.This surgery has a successful outcome.
- Как много люде́й на све́те не в состоя́нии перерасти́ у́ровень своего́ желу́дка!There are so many people in the world who are incapable of outgrowing the level of their stomach!
- Я люблю́ приро́ду.I love the great outdoors.
- На мне невообрази́мый долг в 10 до́лларов.I have an outstanding debt of 10 dollars.
- Наши за́писи пока́зывают, что счёт №1111 до сих пор не оплачен.Our records show that the invoice No.1111 is still outstanding.
- У него выдаю́щийся музыка́льный тала́нт.He has an outstanding talent for music.
- В после́дние годы добы́ча у́гля уху́дшилась по ка́честву.Last year's output of coal fell short of the standard.
- Кома́нда занята́ подгото́вкой к вы́ходу в откры́тый ко́смос.The crew is busy preparing for the voyage into outer space.
- Нужды мно́гих переве́шивают нужды немно́гих.The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
- Потре́бности мно́гих переве́шивают потре́бности нескольких.The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
- Ладно, я сва́ливаю.All right, I'm outta here.
- Ну, всё. С меня довольно.That's it. I'm outta here.
- Вся семья́ ест за́втрак на у́лице.The family is eating breakfast outdoors.
- Э́ти цены возмути́тельны!These prices are outrageous!
- Его огро́мная гравита́ция та́щит много астеро́идов из вне́шнего пояса вовнутрь.Its massive gravity well tugs many asteroids from the outer belt inwards.
- Во всех больни́цах есть запасны́е генера́торы на случай отключе́ния электри́чества.All hospitals are equipped with a spare generator in case of a power outage.
- Я задаю́сь вопро́сом, почему же́нщины живу́т дольше мужчи́н.I wonder why women outlive men.
- Истори́ческое собы́тие на Татоэба: 12 ию́ля 2012 года эсперанто обошёл япо́нский язы́к по коли́честву фраз и за́нял второе ме́сто в языковом рейтинге.An historical event on Tatoeba: on July 12, 2012, Esperanto outstripped Japanese concerning the amount of phrases and took the second place on the language poll.
- От вне́шнего ми́ра можно отгороди́ться газе́той.It is possible to fence oneself out from the outer world with a newspaper.
- Несмотря на то, что он так мо́лод, он замеча́тельный врач.Although he's young, he's an outstanding doctor.
- Гарри нашёл вы́ход свое́й эне́ргии в игре́ в футбо́л.Gary found an outlet for his energy in playing football.
- Э́то немодно.It's outdated.
- Э́то про́шлый век.It's outdated.
- Результа́т целиком зави́сит от ваших со́бственных уси́лий.The outcome depends entirely on your own efforts.
- Компью́тер был настолько устаре́вшим, что ни на что не годи́лся.The computer was so outdated that it was good for nothing.
- Ты вы́глядишь жа́лко в э́том наря́де.You look pathetic in that outfit.
- Прогно́з был отрица́тельным.The outlook was negative.
- Итиро - выдаю́щийся игро́к в бейсбо́л.Ichiro is an outstanding baseball player.
- Если бы поли́ция прие́хала на пять минут раньше, все престу́пники могли́ бы быть пойманы с поличным.If the police had arrived five minutes earlier, all the outlaws would have been caught red-handed.
- Трениру́йтесь на све́жем во́здухе.Exercise outdoors.
- В Се́верном Китае холодно весной, поэтому цветы́ не цвету́т вне помеще́ний.North China is cold in spring, so flowers don't bloom outdoors.
- Я возмущена!I'm outraged!
- Я возмущён!I'm outraged!
- Как найти́ еду в ко́смосе?How do you find food in outer space?
- Мы мо́жем рабо́тать на во́здухе, только пока светло.We can work outdoors only as long as it's light.
- Вор перехитри́л полице́йского и удра́л со свое́й добы́чей.The thief outwitted the police and got away with his loot.
- Кома́нда была́ экипирована одним из ме́стных магази́нов.The team was outfitted by one of the local stores.
- В э́той гру́ппе рабо́тает много юри́стов.There are many lawyers working with this outfit.
- Обведи́те на ка́рте Бостон кра́сным карандашо́м.Outline Boston on this map with a red pencil.
- У них ещё много неоплаченных долгов.They still have many outstanding debts.
- Вот кра́ткий план мое́й ре́чи.Here's a brief outline of my speech.
- На у́лице холодно и ветрено.It's cold and windy outdoors.
- Том — выдаю́щийся актёр.Tom is an outstanding actor.
- Вы сего́дня выходили?Were you outdoors today?
- Прочь с дороги!Outta my way!
- Никто не хо́чет рабо́тать на у́лице в холо́дный день.Nobody wants to work outdoors on a cold day.
- Никто не хо́чет рабо́тать на откры́том во́здухе в холо́дный день.Nobody wants to work outdoors on a cold day.
- Господи́н Сузуки - выдаю́щийся учёный.Mr. Suzuki is an outstanding scientist.
- Одино́чество - судьба́ всех выдаю́щихся люде́й.Loneliness is the fate of all outstanding people.
- Э́то открове́нная ложь!This is an outright lie!
- Рассуди́тельный челове́к приспоса́бливается под окружа́ющий мир; безрассу́дный челове́к пыта́ется приспосо́бить мир под себя. Именно поэтому прогре́сс зави́сит от безрассу́дных люде́й.A sober-minded man adapts himself to outward things; a reckless man tries to adapt outward things to himself. That's why progress depends on reckless people.
- Что э́то за наро́сты на дубо́вых ли́стьях?What are those outgrowths on the oak leaves?
- Что лу́чше для души — терпе́ть пращи́ и стрелы я́ростного ро́ка или, на мо́ре бе́дствий ополчившись, поко́нчить с ними?Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?
- Э́тот канализацио́нный вы́пуск больше не используется.This sewage outlet is no longer in use.
- Некоторые соба́ки лю́бят быть на откры́том во́здухе.Some dogs love being outdoor.
- Как бы ты э́то ни де́лал, результа́т остаётся тем же.Any way you do, the outcome is no different.
- Мэри и́скренняя и у́мная.Mary is outspoken and smart.
- «Попо́в преда́тель?» — «Да. Надо дать ему пизды!» — «Как?!» — «Хрен его зна́ет...»Popov is a traitor? "Yes. We're to beat the shit outta him!" "How?" "Hell knows."
- Я ду́маю, что Том слишком открове́нен.I think Tom is too outspoken.
- Вы превзошли́ себя.You've outdone yourself.
- Когда сигна́л на вхо́де превыша́ет определённый поро́г, выходно́й сигна́л мгнове́нно высвобожда́ется.When the input exceeds a certain threshold, an output signal is instantaneously released.
- Отключе́ние электри́чества бы́ло вызвано бе́лкой.The power outage was caused by a squirrel.
- Полице́йские очерти́ли труп на ме́сте преступле́ния, чтобы бы́ло видно, как он лежа́л на моме́нт обнаруже́ния.The police drew an outline of a body at the scene of the crime to indicate how the body was lying when it was found.
- Она оскорблена.She's outraged.
- Он оскорблён.He's outraged.
- Я, к чертя́м собачим, ухожу́ отсюда.I'm getting the hell outta here.
- Не надо так возмуща́ться!Don't be so outraged.
- Ты выёбывался — я те пизды дал!You were profiling, and I beat the shit outta you!
- Я живу́ на окра́ине Бостона.I live on the outskirts of Boston.
- Глоба́льное потепле́ние - те́рмин столь устаре́вший, э́то теперь называ́ется измене́ние кли́мата.Global warming, the term is so outdated, it's called climate change now.
- Сначала я сде́лаю о́бщий набро́сок своего́ но́вого са́йта.First, I'm going to do an outline of my new website.
- Том игра́ет на у́лице.Tom is playing outdoors.
- С дороги!Outta my way!
- Сего́дня нам придется спать на у́лице.Today, we have to sleep outdoors.
- Том изго́й.Tom is an outcast.
- Электроста́нция была́ законсервирована из-за устаре́вшей техноло́гии.The power plant was mothballed because of its outdated technology.
- Мы не мо́жем терпе́ть тако́й беспредел.We can't tolerate such an outrage.
- Мы не мо́жем терпе́ть тако́й произво́л.We can't tolerate such an outrage.
- Ме́стное прави́тельство объяви́ло произво́дство алкого́льных напи́тков незако́нным.The local government outlawed the production of alcoholic beverages.
- Ты определённо превзошёл Тома.You've certainly outdone Tom.
- Мы не мо́жем вы́йти. Кто-то за́пер дверь снаружи.We can't get out. Someone locked the door from the outside.