WAS- russian
(colloquial) supposedly was said/they say
be, manage to do
was able
A large peasant settlement is an economic and administrative center for the surrounding villages (in pre-revolutionary Russia a church was also a mandatory part of such a settlement).
be inherited, go over
to be handed over
transmitted, was being broadcast
Remove something from a surface by friction
Damage the skin by friction
Grind an object by friction
Delete any information from the place where it was contained
the liquid something was boiled in
Owner of an industrial enterprise
(obsolete) one who was engaged in some trade
county or district
In pre-revolutionary Russia and in the USSR before the zoning of 1924-29 an administrative-territorial unit that was part of the province
discharge, dismiss, fire, firing, was firing, give the sack, sack
something which was being done (упрости́ть)
(be) simplified
something which was being done (реализова́ть)
something which was being done (модернизи́ровать)
something which was being done (счита́ть)
something which was being done (задержа́ть)
has been arrested
night was falling
from ever since, from a since, from a child, since one was a child
something which was being done (растере́ть)
has been rubbed/ which has been rubbed
something which was being done (лимити́ровать)
something which was being done (обеща́ть)
something which was being done (испо́льзовать)/ reference
used, utilized, utilised
was sentenced
there (once) was, there (once) lived, once upon a time there was
жи́л да бы́л
once there lived, once there was
someone who was reading
something that was being read
was sitting
was speaking
something that was noticed, was noticed
someone who was entering
someone who was writing
something which was being done (сопоста́вить)
something which was being done (соста́рить)
something which was being done (сконцентри́ровать)
be concentrated
something which was being done (классифици́ровать)
someone who was doing (позво́лить)
making it possible, allowing
something which was being done (подвести́)
Have been summed
someone who was doing (окра́сить)
someone who was doing (зарегистри́роваться)
have registered
something which was being done (удосто́ить)
something which was being done (помести́ть)
something which was being done (подгото́вить)
something which was being done (утверди́ть)
something which was being done (пропили́ть)
cut through
something which was being done (внедри́ть)
something which was being done (очи́стить)
someone who was doing (ста́ться)
has becoming
something which was being done (вста́вить)
inserted, pasted
which was coming, which came
something which was being done (анонси́ровать)
something which was being done (поби́ть)
beaten down
something which was being done (перенести́)
someone who was doing (хва́тить)
someone who was doing (лови́ться)
was caught
something which was being done (пересе́чь)
something which was being done (сформирова́ть)
someone who was doing (проводи́ться)
someone who was doing (развести́сь)
be divorced
something which was being done (завоева́ть)
has been conquered
something which was being done (пропита́ть)
(has been) impregnated
(has been) saturated, soaked
something which was being done (разгры́зть)
which has been gnawed
something which was being done (разбуди́ть)
has just been awakened
was awakened
something which was being done (вы́пустить)
someone who was doing (провали́ться)
(who, which...) failed
someone who was doing (замёрзнуть)
someone who was doing (сойти́)
(who,which....) alighted
something which was being done (уви́деть)
(who, which...) had seen
something which was being done (заплати́ть)
has been paid for
someone who was doing (переле́зть)
climbed over
something which was being done (обрабо́тать)
has been processed
someone who was doing (устро́иться)
something which was being done (предложи́ть)
something which was being done (улу́чшить)
someone who was doing (заполони́ть)
something which was being done (ампути́ровать)
something which was being done (изгото́вить)
something which was being done (снабди́ть)
equipped, supplied
something which was being done (обма́зать)
be smeared
something which was being done (подключи́ть)
be connected
something which was being done (прикова́ть)
be chained
something which was being done (произвести́)
was carried out
something which was being done (напо́лнить)
something which was being done (закрепи́ть)
someone who was doing (помога́ть)
helped, assisted
something which was being done (вживи́ть)
who was running away
someone who was doing (слома́ться)
(be) broken
who was rude
something which was being done (забра́ть)
taken away
something which was being done (инсталли́ровать)
something which was being done (совмести́ть)
is combined
something which was being done (вы́черкнуть)
who was sitting, who sat, sitting
something which was being done (отремонти́ровать)
has been repaired
someone who was doing (име́ть)
having, possessing
someone who was saying farewell
someone who was knocked out
(which has been designed - long), (has been designed - short))
something which was being done (офо́рмить)
mined, was mined
apartment building which was developed in the Soviet Union during the early 1960s its namesake Nikita Khrushche
what was started
- Прежде чем я смог что-то возрази́ть, на меня надели наручники и повезли́ в тюрьму́.Before I could protest, I was handcuffed and was on my way to prison.
- Он сказа́л, что заболе́л, и э́то была́ ложь.He said that he was sick, and this was a lie.
- Ночь была́ тако́й прохла́дной, что, когда я верну́лся, я почти замёрз.The night was so chilly that when I returned I was almost frozen.
- Я всегда ду́мал, что серде́чный при́ступ — э́то тако́й спо́соб приро́ды сказа́ть тебе, что пора умере́ть.I've always thought that a heart attack was nature's way of telling you that it was time to die.
- Ду́маешь, он только хоте́л, чтобы мы пове́рили, будто он бо́лен?Do you think he was only making believe that he was sick?
- Мне пришла́ глу́пая, но навя́зчивая мысль, что если я по неблагоразу́мию шевельну́ руко́й, то меня заме́тят.I was assailed by the stupid, but unshakeable, idea that if I was imprudent enough to move my hand I'd be noticed.
- Я был очень расстро́ен, когда Хингис вы́били в пе́рвом же ра́унде.It was a big upset when Hingis was eliminated in the first round.
- Бы́ло жарко, и к тому же влажно.It was hot, and in addition, it was humid.
- День был дождли́вый, и, что ху́же, с грозо́й.The day was rainy, and what was worse, thundering.
- С то́чки зре́ния учителя, учи́ть её бы́ло одним удово́льствием.As far as the teacher was concerned, she was a joy to teach.
- В авто́бусе бы́ло столько наро́ду, что всю доро́гу до ста́нции мне пришло́сь стоя́ть.The bus was so crowded that I was kept standing all the way to the station.
- Ма́льчика исключи́ли из музыка́льной шко́лы, когда ему бы́ло 12.The boy was expelled from music school when he was 12.
- Мой со́бственный дом был бельмо́м на гла́зу, но ма́леньким бельмо́м, а потому его не заме́тили.My own house was an eyesore, but it was a small eyesore, and it had been overlooked.
- Поскольку была́ уже по́здняя ночь, и я очень уста́л, я размести́лся в гости́нице.As it was late at night and I was very tired, I put up at an inn.
- Я был зол, потому что он опозда́л.I was angry because he was late.
- Мой оте́ц был не менее лю́бящим и не́жным, чем моя́ мать.My father was no less affectionate and tender to me than my mother was.
- Причи́на, по кото́рой он отсу́тствовал, заключа́ется в том, что у него была́ си́льная головна́я боль.The reason he was absent was that he had a severe headache.
- Его письмо́ бы́ло столь дру́жеским, что она была́ глубоко тро́нута и запла́кала.So friendly was his letter that she was deeply moved and began to cry.
- Э́то бы́ло холо́дная и дождли́вая ночь, и на у́лицах не бы́ло ни души.It was a cold and rainy night, and there was not a soul in sight in the streets.
- В ко́мнате бы́ло пиани́но, но не бы́ло нико́го, кто бы на нём игра́л.In the room there was a piano, but there was nobody who played it.
- Я был разочаро́ван тем, как мало там бы́ло рабо́ты.I was disappointed at how little work there was there.
- Его беспло́дные попы́тки соблазни́ть её показа́ли, что он обрати́лся не по а́дресу: она была́ ма́терью двух дете́й.His vain efforts to seduce her showed he was barking up the wrong tree; she was a mother of two tots.
- Была́ по́лночь пя́тницы трина́дцатого. Каза́лось, ничто не предвеща́ло беды.It was the midnight of Friday, 13th; nothing of ill omen was apparent.
- Моё полоте́нце бы́ло мо́крое, поэтому бесполе́зное.My bath towel was wet, so it was of no use.
- Я узна́л, что же́нщина, кото́рую принима́л за медсестру́, на самом де́ле была́ до́ктором.I found out that the woman I thought was a nurse was actually a doctor.
- Всем бы́ло поня́тно, что он уста́л.It was obvious to everybody that he was tired.
- Украденный велосипе́д оказа́лся принадлежащим ему.It was his bicycle that was stolen.
- Она сказа́ла, ей двадцать лет, что бы́ло непра́вдой.She said she was twenty years old, which was not true.
- Был ве́чер воскресе́нья, и го́род кише́л людьми́.It was a Sunday afternoon and the town was bristling with people.
- В пе́рвые годы произво́дства, Coca-Cola содержа́ла кокаи́н. В 1914 году кокаи́н был классифицирован как нарко́тик, после чего при произво́дстве Coca-Cola вместо него ста́ли испо́льзовать кофеи́н.In the first years that Coca-Cola was produced, it contained cocaine. In 1914, cocaine was classified as a narcotic, after which they used caffeine instead of cocaine in the production of Coca-Cola.
- Он сказа́л, что был го́лоден, а затем доба́вил, что ему также хотелось пить.He said he was hungry, and then he added that he was also thirsty.
- В ко́мнате стоя́ло пиани́но, но на нём никто не игра́л.There was a piano in the room, but no one was playing it.
- Ма́ма хлопота́ла над гото́вкой; в э́то вре́мя я только смотре́л телеви́зор.Mother was busily cooking; in the meantime, I was just watching TV.
- 1980 — год, когда я роди́лся.1980 was the year when I was born.
- Она отлича́лась от большинства́ же́нщин в округе, потому что уме́ла чита́ть и писать.She was different from most women in the neighborhood, for she was able to read and write.
- Хотя и бе́ден, он был тем не менее сча́стлив.Though he was poor, he was nonetheless happy.
- Бы́ло установлено, что причи́ной пожа́ра ста́ло непра́вильное электри́ческое соедине́ние.It was determined that faulty wiring was the cause of the fire.
- В ю́ности моя́ мать была́ очень симпати́чной.My mother was very pretty when she was young.
- Он был очень уважа́ем, тогда как его сы́на настолько же сильно презира́ли.He was greatly respected; while his son was as much despised.
- Мои́м пе́рвым впечатле́нием бы́ло, что он дипломати́чный поли́тик.My first impression was that he was a tactful politician.
- Когда я был в твоём во́зрасте, Плуто́н был плане́той.When I was your age, Pluto was a planet.
- Она родила́сь всего одно поколе́ние после отме́ны ра́бства. Когда на доро́гах не бы́ло автомоби́лей, в не́бе не бы́ло самолетов, когда таки́е как она не могли́ голосова́ть по двум причи́нам: потому, что она была́ же́нщиной и из-за ее цвета ко́жи.She was born just a generation past slavery. A time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky, when someone like her couldn't vote for two reasons: because she was a woman, and because of the color of her skin.
- Её зва́ли Линда, и она была́ на год младше Тони.Her name was Linda, and she was a year younger than Tony.
- Бы́ло холодно и вдобавок ветрено.It was cold, and, in addition, it was windy.
- Аллену да́ли зада́чу, кото́рую бы́ло невозможно реши́ть.Allen was given a problem that was impossible to solve.
- Когда он говори́л, раздался вы́стрел.While he was talking, there was the sound of a shot being fired.
- Однажды, когда я был в гостя́х у моего́ дру́га Каваи, он вы́стрелил из пистоле́та. Он ду́мал, что пистоле́т был не заряжен и напра́вил его на мой рот, но он был заряжен, и пу́ля просвисте́ла мимо моего́ уха и попа́ла в кладо́вку.Once, when I went to my friend Kawai's house, he fired a pistol. He thought it was not loaded and pointed it at my mouth, but it was and the bullet grazed my ear before hitting the closet.
- Кого я иска́л, так э́то кого-нибудь, похо́жего на тебя.All that I was looking for was somebody who looked like you.
- Его застрели́ли, когда он выходил из гости́ницы.As he was leaving the hotel, he was shot.
- Я попа́ла под ли́вень и насквозь промо́кла.I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin.
- В ко́мнате цари́ла атмосфе́ра сде́ржанности; никто не отва́живался сказа́ть королю́, насколько глу́пым бы́ло его реше́ние.There was a feeling of constraint in the room; no one dared to tell the king how foolish his decision was.
- Стоя́л тако́й хоро́ший день, поэтому на у́лице бы́ло много наро́ду.It was such a nice day that the street was full of people.
- Что он иска́л?What was it that he was looking for?
- Ей бы́ло интересно, где Сэм и что он де́лает.She wondered where Sam was and what he was doing.
- Пришёл челове́к, посланный Бо́гом; его зва́ли Иоанн.There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John.
- По пра́вде говоря, мне бы́ло сложно разобра́ть, что он тако́е говори́т.Frankly speaking, it was difficult for me to make out what he was saying.
- Я опозда́л, так как был уве́рен, что заня́тия начина́ются позже.I was late because I was sure that the lessons started later.
- Он уста́л и лежа́л на дива́не с закры́тыми глаза́ми.As he was tired, he was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed.
- Она не посеща́ла шко́лу, потому что была́ больна́.She was absent from school because she was sick.
- Ро́бот был настолько похо́ж на живо́го, что прямо броса́ло в дрожь.The robot was so lifelike that it was creepy.
- Даже когда я был ребёнком, я хорошо пла́вал.Even when I was a child, I was able to swim well.
- Вчера́ не бы́ло ни слишком жарко, ни слишком холодно. Э́то был идеа́льный день для прогу́лки.Yesterday it was neither too warm nor too cold. It was an ideal day for taking a walk.
- Диноза́вр был не таки́м большим, каки́м я представля́л его про́шлой но́чью, но он был зелёным, с кра́сными и жёлтыми чешу́йками и очень дружелю́бной мо́рдой.The dinosaur was not big like I had imagined last night, but it was green, with red and yellow scales and a very friendly face.
- Я был очень уставшим, но тем не менее я не мог усну́ть.I was very tired, but I was nevertheless unable to sleep.
- Он не́рвничал, потому что сле́дующим утром отправля́лся в Соединённые Шта́ты.He was nervous because he was leaving for the United States the next morning.
- Ну и конечно Том опозда́л, так как на 19 тра́ссе была́ про́бка.Apparently, Tom was late because there was a traffic jam on Rt. 19.
- Был тако́й холо́дный день, что нико́го не бы́ло на у́лице.It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.
- Выведенное пятно́ всё-таки оста́вило след на ю́бке.The stain that was removed was still visible on the skirt.
- Том всегда зави́довал мла́дшему бра́ту, потому что знал, что Джек был ма́миным люби́мым сы́ном.Tom was always jealous of his younger brother because he knew Jack was their mother's blue-eyed boy.
- Я часто смотре́л Дораэмона, когда был ма́леньким, но я и не ду́мал, что он тако́й огро́мный!I watched Doraemon a lot when I was a kid. But I had no idea he was so large!
- Он был вели́кий госуда́рственный де́ятель и был и́збран президе́нтом.He was a great statesman and was elected president.
- В про́шлом лю́ди счита́ли, что мир пло́ский.In the past it was thought the world was flat.
- Бы́ло трудно сказа́ть, нахо́дится ли Том у себя в ко́мнате.It was difficult to tell if Tom was in his room.
- Все очень удиви́лись, обнаружив, что рабы́ня на самом де́ле была́ принце́ссой.Everyone was very surprised to discover that the slave girl was in reality a princess.
- Том цепля́лся к касающимся его предложе́ниям, в то вре́мя как Мэри, как могла́, стара́лась их перевести́.Tom was quibbling about the sentences concerning him, while Mary was doing her best to translate them.
- Когда Джон чита́л газе́ту, его жена́ смотре́ла телеви́зор.While John was reading his newspaper, his wife was watching TV.
- Я ошиба́лся, думая, что он заслу́живает дове́рия.I was mistaken in thinking that he was a trustworthy man.
- Вчера́ мой велосипе́д укра́ли, пока я закупался.Yesterday my bicycle was stolen while I was doing some shopping.
- Когда я смотре́л на э́то, у меня се́рдце кро́вью облива́лось.I was breaking my heart when I was watching it.
- Бы́ло ясно, что вы́хода нет.It was apparent that there was no way out.
- Исхо́д ма́тча был предрешен.Who was to win this match was a foregone conclusion.
- Ко́му предстоя́ло вы́играть э́тот матч, бы́ло ясно изначально.Who was to win this match was a foregone conclusion.
- В тот моме́нт, когда он выходил, произошло́ си́льное землетрясе́ние.Just as he was going out, there was a great earthquake.
- Мы всё ду́мали, кто э́то, а оказа́лось, что э́то ты!We were wondering who it was, and it turns out that it was you!
- В нача́ле бы́ло Сло́во, и Сло́во бы́ло с Бо́гом, и Сло́во бы́ло Бог.In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
- Пока я размышля́л, стоит ли принима́ть таки́е стра́нные извинения, Кубатай полиста́л кни́жку и громко, выразительно прочита́л: "Пока я размышля́л, стоит ли принима́ть таки́е стра́нные извинения, Кубатай полиста́л кни́жку и громко, выразительно прочита́л: "Пока я размышля́л..." Бы́стрым движе́нием Холмс вы́хватил у Кубатая то́мик.While I was thinking over whether I should accept such strange apologies, Coutabay leafed through the book and read loudly and expressively: "While I was thinking over whether I should accept such strange apologies, Coutabay leafed through the book and read loudly and expressively: 'While I was thinking...' Holmes quickly snatched the volume from Coutabay's hands.
- Мэрино письмо́ бы́ло очень сжа́то, и бы́ло поня́тно, что она из-за чего-то расстро́ена.Mary's email was very terse and it was clear that she was upset about something.
- Мне бы́ло три. Я просну́лся, лёжа на полу гости́ной, пытаясь вспо́мнить, где я и кто я. Ма́ма вошла́ в ко́мнату, и я вспо́мнил. Приближа́лся обе́д, и, к мое́й зло́сти, гото́вили мою люби́мую зелёную фасо́ль.I was three. I woke up lying on my living room floor, struggling to remember who and where I was. Once my mom came in the room I remembered. It was dinner time, and I hated that my favourite green beans were being cooked.
- Э́то бы́ло обраще́ние сосе́дей, вызванное тем, что пья́ница шуме́л в па́рке. Когда поли́ция прибыла́ на ме́сто происше́ствия, Кусанаги был один, он был смертельно пья́ным и полностью го́лым.There was a report from the neighbours because a drunkard was making noise in the park. When the police officers arrived at the scene, Kusanagi was alone, dead drunk and completely naked.
- Отвечая на вопро́с, был ли взрыв на химзаводе, он сказа́л: «Да, взрыв был. Но э́то не бы́ло взры́вом, как мы его себе обычно представля́ем. Э́то был взрыв недово́льства».Responding to the question whether there was an explosion at the chemical factory, he said: "Yes, there was. But it wasn't the explosion we imagined it to be. It was an explosion of discontent."
- В нача́ле бы́ло Сло́во, и Сло́во бы́ло у Бо́га, и Сло́во бы́ло Бог.In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
- Когда я осозна́л, что я Бог? Ну, я моли́лся и вдруг по́нял, что говорю́ сам с собой.When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and I suddenly realized I was talking to myself.
- То, с чем Элис столкну́лась, ожидая отве́та, бы́ло внеза́пным во́ем. Э́то был гу́лкий шум, настолько ре́зкий, чтобы разорва́ть ее бараба́нные перепо́нки, и настолько гро́мкий, чтобы дости́гнуть небе́с.What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens.
- «Каково тебе бы́ло просто находи́ться по другу́ю сто́рону тако́го по́лного домини́рования?» — «Зна́ете, э́то бы́ло отвратительно. Э́то был кошма́р. Э́то бы́ло ужасно. А в остально́м всё бы́ло в поря́дке».What was it like for you just being there at the end of such utter domination? "It was frustrating. You know, it was miserable. It sucked. It was terrible. Besides that, it was fine."
- Том уста́вился на Мэри, кото́рая сиде́ла в шко́льном авто́бусе, кото́рый стоя́л пе́ред шко́лой.Tom was staring at Mary who was sitting on the school bus that was parked in front of the school.
- Я был разочаро́ван, когда уви́дел, что моя́ пре́мия была́ немного ме́ньше, чем я ожида́л.I was disappointed to see that my bonus was a bit less than I was expecting.
- Том не своди́л взгля́да с Мэри, сидящей в припаркованном у шко́лы авто́бусе.Tom was staring at Mary who was sitting on the school bus that was parked in front of the school.
- Я был совершенно лишён де́тства. Не бы́ло для меня Рождества́ или дня рожде́ния. Не бы́ло де́тства в обы́чном его понима́нии с обы́чными де́тскими ра́достями. Их замени́ли тяжёлый труд, борьба́ с лише́ниями и страда́ния, а в коне́чном ито́ге - материа́льный и профессиона́льный успе́х.My childhood was completely taken away from me. There was no Christmas, no birthdays. It was not a normal childhood, no normal pleasures of childhood. Those were exchanged for hard work, struggle and pain, and eventual material and professional success.
- Бы́ло вре́мя, когда большинство́ люде́й не зна́ло о Христофоре Колумбе, но потом он роди́лся.There was once a time when most people didn't know who Christopher Columbus was, but then he was born.
- Моя́ мать была́ норве́жкой, а оте́ц — датча́нином. Только когда мне бы́ло пять лет я по́нял, что они говоря́т на двух ра́зных языка́х.My mother was Norwegian, and my father was Danish. It was not till I was five that I learned that they spoke two separate languages.