Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

b russian

  • быть

    to be

    (present tense) 'есть' - there is, there are

    has been

  • по

    along, down, through, across

    about, under, for

    by the means of (por medio de), on

    hit or punch somewhere

    after a certain age

    to (indicating to the end or limit of an object)

    on the subject of, on

    on (weekdays)

  • но


  • к



    by (time)

  • у


    by, at (place)


    from (take, borrow)

  • за


    at (location)

    at (direction)

    for (in support of)

    for (mistake for)

    for (reason)

    for (duration)

    following after, chasing after

    over (a certain age)

    beyond, on the far side of

    out of (location)

  • мочь

    be able, can

    may, might, could have, might have

  • ещё

    still, even, more, else

    yet, as far back as, as long as ... ago

  • бы

    would (be able to)

  • тако́й

    such, so, that sort of

    be like this, as, be

  • для

    for (the benefit of)


  • уже́

    already, by this time, by now, ready, no longer

  • да




  • знать

    to know, be aware, be acquainted, it seems

  • до

    to (direction)

    to (distance)



    up to (limit)

  • стать

    to become

    to begin to, be

    to become, get, grow

    to take to

  • большо́й

    big, large, great, important, grown-up

  • де́ло

    business, work

    matter, concern, affair

    thing, action, act

    art, science

    truth, really, honestly

  • под




    to go down/below

    to go/put under something

    (impression, affection)

    over, for

  • там

    there, later, by and by

  • голова́

    head, mind, brains, chief, master

  • идти́

    to go, to walk

    to be

  • ведь

    in fact, after all, surely, indeed

    given that, as, because

    Isn't it?

  • потому́


  • име́ть

    to have, keep, hold, possess, carry, be, mean

  • сиде́ть

    to sit, be perched, be, fit

  • пе́ред

    in front of



  • взять

    to take

    to pick, to borrow

    to grab, to get hold of

    to hire

    to choose (from)

  • нача́ть

    to begin, start, commence

  • пока́

    bye (informal)

    while, in the meantime

    so far, for now

    until, until now

  • вы́йти

    to leave, to go out, to get out

    to be published, to be issued

    to marry (him)

    to come out

  • оказа́ться

    to turn out to be

    to find oneself

  • ме́жду




  • одна́ко

    however, though, but, still

    you don't say! not really!

  • пра́вда



    sure enough, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact

    though, however, but, admittedly

  • лежа́ть

    to lie down (Где?)

    to be situated

    to rest, be incumbent

  • верну́ться

    to return, come back (from)

    to revert (to)

  • счита́ть

    consider, deem, find, think

    count, compute, reckon, believe, accord to

  • кни́га

    book, volume

  • чуть


    a little

    hardly, barely

    (with не) almost, nearly

  • наза́д

    back, backwards


  • быва́ть

    To be, be present, frequent

    To happen, take place

    To be inclined to be, tend to be

    to visit, to be at

  • про́шлый

    in the past, bygone

    last, yester-

  • боя́ться

    to be afraid, dread, fear

    constant state of fear from something or someone

  • пря́мо


    frankly, openly, bluntly

    real, really, truly

    exactly, downright

  • кра́сный

    red, beautiful

  • остава́ться

    remain, stay, be left

    to be the only possible action

  • спина́


  • вести́

    to lead, conduct, direct

    to behave (oneself)

    to keep a diary

    to drive

    be engaged

  • те́ло


  • ма́льчик




  • брать

    to take, to get

    to pick, to borrow, to choose (from)

    to grab, get hold of

    to hire

  • ко

    to, towards

    by, for

  • нача́льник

    boss, chief, head, superior, master, commander

  • пройти́

    to pass

    to get to, to go to, to reach

    to make one's way, be held (go)

    to be held (event)

  • начина́ть

    to begin, start, commence

  • чёрный


    (colloquial) dark, swarthy, dark-haired

    rough, coarse

  • забы́ть

    to forget [something]

    to neglect

    to leave, forget to bring or take

    to let it go, let it slip

  • о́ба


  • находи́ться

    be situated

    to be here

  • проси́ть

    to request, ask for

    to ask a favour, ask for

    to beg, pray

  • ребя́та

    lads, boys, guys

    children, kids

  • брат


  • вы́ходить

    rear, bring up

    nurse, restore to health

    go over, go all over, go through

  • выходи́ть

    to go out, to come out, to leave

    to use up, to run out of

    to get married

    to be published, to be issued

    to come out

  • подойти́

    to approach, to come to, to walk to, to draw near

    to fit, to suit, to match, to be right

  • кровь


  • хозя́ин

    owner, proprietor

    landlord, head of household

    boss, master, chief, principal, manager, hirer, employer

    man, husband

    (computers) host, master

  • ма́ло

    little, few, a little bit

    too little, too few

  • па́рень

    boy, guy, fellow, lad, chap, bloke



  • гру́ппа

    group, cluster, clump

    A band

  • молча́ть

    to be silent

  • явля́ться


    literally "is", to be

  • ве́рить

    to believe, trust

    to believe in, have faith in

  • станови́ться

    to stand, to take a stand

    to become, to get, to grow

  • нос

    nose, beak, head, prow

    bow of a ship

  • двор

    courtyard, yard, backyard, court, homestead, farmstead

  • смочь

    to be able, can

  • просто́й

    stand-by, downtime, idle period

  • просто́й

    simple, easy, common, plain, mere


    (mathematics) prime

  • происходи́ть

    to happen, occur, take place, be going on, go on, come

    to derive, descend, originate, be descended

    to arise, result, spring

  • губа́

    lip, inlet, bay, firth, tree-fungus

  • е́хать

    to go (by horse or vehicle), drive, ride

    to travel

    to move (from a place)

  • о́чередь

    queue, line

    turn, order, succession, one by one

    phase, stage (project), place

  • собира́ться

    to gather, assemble, recolectar

    to be going (leaving) to, intend to, to mean

    to get ready

  • произойти́

    to happen, occur, take place

    to derive, be descended, originate

    to spring, arise, result


  • ве́тер

    wind, breeze

  • связь

    connection, link, bond, touch


  • лу́чший

    better, best, the best, the better

  • уме́ть

    can (do), be good, be a good hand

    to know how to

  • па́ртия

    party, detachment, group, set

    batch (e.g. of drugs), lot

    game, match

  • край

    edge (border, end), brim, brink, side, line

    region, krai

    land, territory

  • занима́ться

    to be engaged, comprometido

    to practice

    to study

    to build

  • едва́

    hardly, only just, scarcely, just, barely

  • во́зле

    near, beside, by

  • основно́й




  • вещь

    thing, things, belongings, clothes, work

  • нача́ться

    to begin

    to start

  • проходи́ть

    to pass, to go to, to walk

    to host, to take place

    to pass (time), to elapse, to go by

    to go off (meeting, gathering), to be held

    to study

    to undergo

  • прийти́сь

    to have to, to come

    to be fit for

    to be necessary, to be required (impersonal)
