Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

I russian

  • в

    in, at, on, within

    to, into, for

  • быть

    to be

    (present tense) 'есть' - there is, there are

    has been

  • с




    off, remove from


    about (indicating approximate time or number)

  • по

    along, down, through, across

    about, under, for

    by the means of (por medio de), on

    hit or punch somewhere

    after a certain age

    to (indicating to the end or limit of an object)

    on the subject of, on

    on (weekdays)

  • э́то

    this is

    that is


  • из

    from (the inside of)

    out of

  • за


    at (location)

    at (direction)

    for (in support of)

    for (mistake for)

    for (reason)

    for (duration)

    following after, chasing after

    over (a certain age)

    beyond, on the far side of

    out of (location)

  • себя́

    oneself, ourselves, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, yourself, myself, themselves

  • вот

    here, there, there is

  • знать

    to know, be aware, be acquainted, it seems

  • е́сли


    in case, subject to

  • нет



    not any, there isn't (any)

  • большо́й

    big, large, great, important, grown-up

  • под




    to go down/below

    to go/put under something

    (impression, affection)

    over, for

  • что́бы

    so that

    in order to

  • сам

    ourselves, yourself, oneself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves

  • есть

    there is, there are, eats

  • раз




    if, since

  • ли

    whether, if

    interrogative particle (placed after the first word in a sentence or phrase)

  • при



    in the presence of

    in the time of


  • на́до


    it is necessary

    = над

  • во

    in, to

  • мо́жно

    one can (it is possible)

    one may (it is allowed)

  • че́рез

    across, over, at


    through, using

    in (time) (no more than)

  • здесь

    here, with us, in this country, about it, in it, at this point

  • спроси́ть

    to ask, inquire, demand

  • лицо́

    face, the right side, person, face to face


    first-person (view)

    person, individual

  • ведь

    in fact, after all, surely, indeed

    given that, as, because

    Isn't it?

  • про́сто

    it is simple, it is easy, simply

    just, just only, only

  • вдруг

    suddenly, all of a sudden, in case

  • пе́ред

    in front of



  • пока́

    bye (informal)

    while, in the meantime

    so far, for now

    until, until now

  • хорошо́

    it is good, it is pleasant, well, good

  • си́ла

    power, might, strength, force

    vigor, vigour, intensity

    energy, efficacy, ability

  • слу́чай

    case, occasion, chance, opportunity, event, incident, occurrence

  • сра́зу

    immediately, at once

    at one stroke, simultaneously

  • вы́йти

    to leave, to go out, to get out

    to be published, to be issued

    to marry (him)

    to come out

  • вопро́с


    matter, issue


  • дать

    give, allocate


    Let (inform)

  • ме́жду




  • мину́та

    minute, moment, instant

  • пра́вда



    sure enough, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact

    though, however, but, admittedly

  • бу́дто

    as if, as though

  • и́менно

    exactly, namely, to wit, that is, just

  • лежа́ть

    to lie down (Где?)

    to be situated

    to rest, be incumbent

  • вообще́

    in general, generally

    altogether, еn conjunto, on the whole, en general

    at all, en absoluto

  • по́мнить

    to remember, recollect, keep in mind

  • хоть

    although, a pesar, even if, if only

    at least, might as well, tambien podria ser

  • сло́вно

    as if, like


  • наконе́ц

    finally, at last

    at length

    in conclusion

  • быва́ть

    To be, be present, frequent

    To happen, take place

    To be inclined to be, tend to be

    to visit, to be at

  • мысль



  • про́шлый

    in the past, bygone

    last, yester-

  • нельзя́

    one cannot, you can't, it's impossible

    one should not, it is not allowed, one must not (it is prohibited / forbidden)

  • пора́

    time, it is time to, it is necessary to

  • высо́кий


    high (altitude,intensity,pitch etc.)

    good, favorable, great, selfless, noble

    lofty, elevated

  • хоте́ться

    (impersonal) to like, desire


  • поэ́тому

    that is why, therefore, so

  • це́лый

    whole, entire

    intact, safe


  • язы́к



    prisoner, informer

  • среди́

    among, amongst, amidst, in the middle

  • о́браз

    shape, form, image

    manner, way

  • де́вушка

    girl, lass

    miss (informal)


  • забы́ть

    to forget [something]

    to neglect

    to leave, forget to bring or take

    to let it go, let it slip

  • выходи́ть

    to go out, to come out, to leave

    to use up, to run out of

    to get married

    to be published, to be issued

    to come out

  • подня́ть

    to lift, raise, lift up, heave, pick up

    to increase

  • спра́шивать

    to ask, inquire

    to demand

  • вели́кий


    outstanding in significance or merit

  • наприме́р

    for example, for instance

  • оста́вить

    to leave, to leave alone

    to abandon, to give up

    to drop, to stop

    to keep, to reserve, to leave in the care of

  • действи́тельно

    really, actually, indeed

  • равно́

    is indifferent, alike, in like manner, nor



  • войти́

    to enter, to come in, to include

  • гото́вый

    ready, prepared

    ready, inclined, willing

    finished, readymade

  • явля́ться


    literally "is", to be

  • ви́дно

    evidently, obviously, apparently, probably, one can see

    it is visible, conspicuous

    one is outstanding, eminent, prominent

  • ве́рить

    to believe, trust

    to believe in, have faith in

  • си́льный

    strong, powerful, fierce, keen, intense, violent, towering, potent, impressive, hard, heavy, good

  • ти́хо

    quietly, it is calm, it is quiet, softly, gently, faintly, silently

    calmly, peacefully


  • ино́й

    different, other, not the same as in another option or choice

  • просто́й

    stand-by, downtime, idle period

  • губа́

    lip, inlet, bay, firth, tree-fungus

  • ли́бо


    either...or (in terms like 'либо .., либо')

    any- / some- (in words combined with '-либо')

  • собира́ться

    to gather, assemble, armar (esp), reunir (fra)

    intend to, to mean, significar (esp), tengo la intención de (esp)

    to get ready, to be going (leaving) to

  • показа́ться

    to appear, to come in sight

    to show up, to turn up

    to seem

  • попа́сть

    to get (to)

    to hit (a target)

    to fall (into)

  • случи́ться

    to happen, occur

    to come about (с + instrumental)

  • пое́хать

    to go somewhere (in a vehicle)

    to go for a ride, go for a drive

  • но́мер

    number, size, room, issue, item on the programme, turn, trick

  • сре́дство

    means, medium, resources, wherewithal

    tool, instrument, equipment

    remedy, agent, drug

  • необходи́мый

    necessary, indispensable, essential


  • ника́к

    in no way, not at all

  • звать

    to call (someone a name)

    to call (for someone or something)

    to invite

  • далеко́

    far (away), it is far, it is a long way, far off, a long way off, a great distance away

  • прийти́сь

    to have to, to come

    to be fit for

    to be necessary, to be required (impersonal)

  • докуме́нт

    document, deed, instrument

  • пло́хо

    it is bad


  • предста́вить

    To introduce

    To imagine

  • представля́ть

    to introduce, to place before [someone]

    to imagine, to place before [one’s mind]

    to represent

  • ина́че


    in a different way
