Russian Dictionary
Мы стреми́мся к ми́ру. 🕊️

o russian

  • в

    in, at, on, within

    to, into, for

  • на

    on (place)

    on (day/week)

    on (means of transport)

    to (direction)

    onto, upon (direction), against (something)

    at (location)


  • тот

    that, that one, those, the other

  • с




    off, remove from


    about (indicating approximate time or number)

  • по

    along, down, through, across

    about, under, for

    by the means of (por medio de), on

    hit or punch somewhere

    after a certain age

    to (indicating to the end or limit of an object)

    on the subject of, on

    on (weekdays)

  • из

    from (the inside of)

    out of

  • за


    at (location)

    at (direction)

    for (in support of)

    for (mistake for)

    for (reason)

    for (duration)

    following after, chasing after

    over (a certain age)

    beyond, on the far side of

    out of (location)

  • от

    from (away)

    from (part of a whole)

    from (cause)

    from (distance)

    from (someone)

    from (range)

    for, against a purpose


  • о




    against, over

  • тако́й

    such, so, that sort of

    be like this, as, be

  • то́лько


    just, simply

  • себя́

    oneself, ourselves, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, yourself, myself, themselves

  • како́й

    which, what, what kind of

  • для

    for (the benefit of)


  • и́ли


  • стать


    character, type

    points of a horse

    need, necessity

  • друго́й

    other, another, another thing, something else, others, the rest

  • свой

    one's own (reflexive)

  • под




    to go down/below

    to go/put under something

    (impression, affection)

    over, for

  • что́бы

    so that

    in order to

  • сам

    ourselves, yourself, oneself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves

  • раз




    if, since

  • чём

    Prepositional of 'что'

  • пото́м

    afterwards, then, later on, later

  • ли

    whether, if

    interrogative particle (placed after the first word in a sentence or phrase)

  • при



    in the presence of

    in the time of


  • сейча́с

    now, just now

    soon, right now

    at once

  • мо́жно

    one can (it is possible)

    one may (it is allowed)

  • че́рез

    across, over, at


    through, using

    in (time) (no more than)

  • ме́сто

    place, spot, site, locality

    region, area

    site, scene

    room, space

    job, position

    piece of luggage

  • до́лжный

    due, owing

    must, need to, have (got) to, should

  • октя́брь


  • про́сто

    it is simple, it is easy, simply

    just, just only, only

  • вдруг

    suddenly, all of a sudden, in case

  • никто́

    nobody, no one

  • пе́ред

    in front of



  • над

    above, over



  • взять

    to take

    to pick, to borrow

    to grab, to get hold of

    to hire

    to choose (from)

  • коне́чно


    of course

  • слу́чай

    case, occasion, chance, opportunity, event, incident, occurrence

  • сра́зу

    immediately, at once

    at one stroke, simultaneously

  • вы́йти

    to leave, to go out, to get out

    to be published, to be issued

    to marry (him)

    to come out

  • рабо́тать

    work, operate

    open, function

  • оказа́ться

    to turn out to be

    to find oneself

  • ряд

    row number or series

  • ста́рый

    old, ancient

  • мно́го



    a lot of, plenty of

  • лишь

    only, as soon as, merely, just

  • опя́ть

    again (occurring another time)

  • пра́вда



    sure enough, indeed, actually, as a matter of fact

    though, however, but, admittedly

  • окно́

    window, casement-window, window-sill, gap, opening, port, slot

  • получи́ть

    receive, get, obtain


  • вообще́

    in general, generally

    altogether, еn conjunto, on the whole, en general

    at all, en absoluto

  • хоть

    although, a pesar, even if, if only

    at least, might as well, tambien podria ser

  • взгляд

    look, gaze, stare

    glance, glare

    view, opinion

  • заче́м

    For what purpose?" or "What for? also Why?

  • по́лный

    full, complete

    absolute, perfect

    exhaustive, comprehensive


    full of

  • узна́ть

    learn, find out


  • любо́й

    any, every, anyone, either

    whichever one wants

  • заме́тить

    notice, note, observe, sight, catch sight, pay heed, remark

  • о́бщий

    common, general, overall


  • боя́ться

    to be afraid, dread, fear

    constant state of fear from something or someone

  • слу́шать

    listen to, hear, attend, examine chest, auscultate, obey

  • пря́мо


    frankly, openly, bluntly

    real, really, truly

    exactly, downright

  • нельзя́

    one cannot, you can't, it's impossible

    one should not, it is not allowed, one must not (it is prohibited / forbidden)

  • лес

    woods, forest

    timber, lumber (singular only)

    scaffolding, (plural only)

    much, many (figurative)

  • гляде́ть

    look, peer, show, face, look out, give, point, look like, see

  • остава́ться

    remain, stay, be left

    to be the only possible action

  • вести́

    to lead, conduct, direct

    to behave (oneself)

    to keep a diary

    to drive

    be engaged

  • продолжа́ть

    to continue, go on, proceed, extend, prolong

    to keep on

  • стари́к

    old man

    parents (colloquial plural)

  • брать

    to take, to get

    to pick, to borrow, to choose (from)

    to grab, get hold of

    to hire

  • пройти́

    to pass

    to get to, to go to, to reach

    to make one's way, be held (go)

    to be held (event)

  • забы́ть

    to forget [something]

    to neglect

    to leave, forget to bring or take

    to let it go, let it slip

  • со́бственный

    one's own

  • вы́ходить

    rear, bring up

    nurse, restore to health

    go over, go all over, go through

  • выходи́ть

    to go out, to come out, to leave

    to use up, to run out of

    to get married

    to be published, to be issued

    to come out

  • хозя́ин

    owner, proprietor

    landlord, head of household

    boss, master, chief, principal, manager, hirer, employer

    man, husband

    (computers) host, master

  • бро́сить

    to throw

    to send urgently

    to give up, to quit, to leave off

    to abandon, to forsake

  • вро́де

    seem, think, like, sort of, kind of

  • вели́кий


    outstanding in significance or merit

  • оста́вить

    to leave, to leave alone

    to abandon, to give up

    to drop, to stop

    to keep, to reserve, to leave in the care of

  • ли́чный

    personal (of a given person), private

    (grammar) personal

  • ви́дно

    evidently, obviously, apparently, probably, one can see

    it is visible, conspicuous

    one is outstanding, eminent, prominent

  • про́тив

    against, opposite, facing, contrary to, to, as against

  • поря́док

    order of magnitude

    order, sequence

    order, procedure, manner, way, form

    order, regime, system

    (plural) customs, usages, observances

  • возмо́жность

    opportunity, chance, means, resources

    possibility, capability, feature

  • ра́зве





  • нос

    nose, beak, head, prow

    bow of a ship

  • ино́й

    different, other, not the same as in another option or choice

  • откры́ть

    to open

  • происходи́ть

    to happen, occur, take place, be going on, go on, come

    to derive, descend, originate, be descended

    to arise, result, spring

  • ли́бо


    either...or (in terms like 'либо .., либо')

    any- / some- (in words combined with '-либо')

  • е́хать

    to go (by horse or vehicle), drive, ride

    to travel

    to move (from a place)

  • о́чередь

    queue, line

    turn, order, succession, one by one

    phase, stage (project), place

  • домо́й

    homeward, home, to one's home

  • произойти́

    to happen, occur, take place

    to derive, be descended, originate

    to spring, arise, result


  • ла́дно

    well, all right, alright, okay

  • ча́сто

    often, frequently

    closely together, thickly

  • случи́ться

    to happen, occur

    to come about (с + instrumental)
